Norlandia Hotel Group Konferens, Spa och Hotell på


Kristian Adolfsen - Personprofil - Allabolag

säger Jens Mathiesen vd och koncernchef för Scandic Hotels Group  Norlandia Hotel Group har 25 hoteller i Norge og Sverige, og i sommer åpner vi får gode personal- og kundepriser for ansatte i Adolfsen Groups systemet. Norlandia Health & Care Group (NHC) och Frösunda Omsorg ingår båda i Adolfsen Group, som är en av Norges största privata arbetsgivare med ca 23.000  Hassela Ski Resort AB ägs nu av Adolfsen Group/Norlandia. Denna koncern har sitt huvudsäte i Norge där de driver hotellfastigheter och  Hospitality Invest AS ingår i Adolfsen Group-sfären som tidigare, genom Norlandia Care Group AS, beslutat uppta ett obligationslån med en  Övrigt inom hotell: Adolfsen group har bland annat Norlandia hotel group som äger 16 och driver totalt 21 hotell i Norge och Sverige, bland  Roger Adolfsen skräder inte orden. Tillsammans med sin några år äldre bror Kristian, äger han, genom Adolfsen group, Tanumstrand.

Adolfsen group norlandia

  1. Sjöstjärna sverige
  2. Hudiksvall o

Herbjørnssønn Yngvar Tov. Chairman of the Board. Adolfsen   Forretningsområder i Adolfsen Group. 5. Hotell og. Reiseliv.

Norlandia Hotel Group - Hotell Öland - övernattning Borgholm

Adolfsen Group nov 2018 –nu 2 år 6 månader. Business Development Director Frösunda Omsorg AB feb 2013 – okt 2018 5 år 9 månader.

Adolfsen group norlandia

Norska välfärdsimperiet ska växa i Sverige - Dagens Industri

Adolfsen group norlandia

Norlandia. Norlandia is part of the NHC Group. Norlandia operates preschools, patient hotels, nursing homes, home care and medical clinics. NHC Group is present in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Our employees are our most important asset and help create a … 2011-09-02 Kristian Adolfsen, 55, wears a V-neck sweater, a striped button-down, Over the next decade, the Adolfsens built Norlandia Hotel Group, which now manages about 30 establishments, Kristian Arne Adolfsen is Board Member at Norlandia Care Group AS. See Kristian Arne Adolfsen's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. In 2008 the Adolfsen brothers bought a 50% stake in Benn and Even’s preschool . business, and in December 2011 they merged the preschool business and the care business to one group of companies, and decided to use the name Norlandia Care Group AS as the name of the mother company of the group.

Adolfsen group norlandia

Norlandia operates preschools, patient hotels, nursing homes, home care and medical clinics. NHC Group is present in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Our employees are our most important asset and help create a … 2011-09-02 Kristian Adolfsen, 55, wears a V-neck sweater, a striped button-down, Over the next decade, the Adolfsens built Norlandia Hotel Group, which now manages about 30 establishments, Kristian Arne Adolfsen is Board Member at Norlandia Care Group AS. See Kristian Arne Adolfsen's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.
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Adolfsen group norlandia

2018-07-12 Nätverkskopplingar. 26 direkta kopplingar, 10 män, 3 kvinnor, 13 bosatt utomlands. Roger Adolfsen. 55 år Founder of Norlandia Care Group AS, Pioneer Capital Partners AS and Norlandia Health & Care Group AS, Roger Adolfsen is an entrepreneur and businessperson who has been at the helm of 6 different companies and occupies the position of Chairman for Norlandia Holding AS, Chairman of Pioneer Property Group ASA, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Hospitality Invest AS, Chairman for Pioneer The Adolfsen Group is a major industrial owner with the ability and willingness to develop Hero further. Our owners have relevant expertise in healthcare and social services through Norlandia Care and Aberia Healthcare, staffing agency through Personalhuset Staffing Group, and in real estate.

Key highlights of the Q2/2015 report: - Revenues of NOK 1,528.6 million and EBITDA of NOK 415.9 million - Norlandia Care Group acquired Kids2Home in Sweden - Profits of NOK 333 million recognized following the sale of shares in associated companies and sale of properties For additional information, contact: Kristoffer Lorck (CFO): +47 93 02 88 18 Roger Adolfsen (CEO): +47 98 22 25 00 http Frösunda Group AB (556748-4158).
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Lediga jobb för Frösunda Omsorg - mars 2021

apr 2021 Norlandia-brødrene Roger og Kristian Adolfsen sier at mesteparten av The Adolfsen Group, through Norlandia Care Group, is also among  Description. Adolfsen Group is a private equity firm based in Oslo, Norway. The firm seeks to acquire majority interests through buyouts and growth equity  4 dagar sedan Roger och Kristian Adolfsen är Norges största välfärdsentreprenörer.

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Inte politiskt möjligt att stoppa vinster i välfärden” SvD

Adolfsen Group köpte Hassela Ski Resort 1998 och ingår i en koncern som består av Norlandia med elva hotell i Sverige och 45 i Norge, Adolfsen Group med Norlandia care, boende, vård och förskolor samt en del för fastighetsförvaltning. Norlandia Care Group has 3500 employees and consists of three divisions: Preschools, patient hotels and elderly care. We have operations in Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands. Svein arild Steen-Mevold Head of travel & Tourism Adolfsen Group / Chairman of the board Norlandia Hotel Group Oslo-området, Norge Over 500 forbindelser Norlandia Förskolor. 1.6K likes. Vår logo - trädet - symboliserar växande och utveckling, skydd och möjligheter till upptäckter. Frösunda Group AB,556748-4158 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status Norlandia Sverige ingår i Norlandia Health & Care Group, en norsk koncern med säte i Oslo.

Hotels - Norlandia Hotel Group

Through acquisition of several independent hotels during the 1990’s, the brothers created the hotel chain Norlandia Hotels & Resorts. The Adolfsen Group is a major industrial owner with the ability and willingness to develop Hero further. Our owners have relevant expertise in healthcare and social services through Norlandia Care and Aberia Healthcare, staffing agency through Personalhuset Staffing Group, and in real estate.

Pioneer Property Group (PPG) owns 100% of the shares in Pioneer. Public Properties addition, the carve out in the bond agreement in Norlandia which allows it to distribut Norlandia-barnehagene eies av Norlandia Health & Care Group AS, som kontrolleres av brødrene Roger og Kristian Adolfsen. Benn Eidissen og Helge Carlsen,  Bakom Pioneer står Adolfsen Group som har verksamheter i Norden och Nederländerna. I Sverige Koncernens dotterbolag Norlandia driver 17 hotell.