Sun valde GPL för Java som öppen källkod - TechWorld
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är möjligt med ett tillägg för GPL som går under namnet classpath exception. Zulu Community: Den fria distributionen som tillhandahålls under GPLv2 med CPE-licens (classpath exception). Zulu Enterprise: En kommersiellt stödd binär Jmyspell 2.1.4 (LGPL License) JAXB 2.1.7 (GPLv2 + classpath exception) och du ser ord som "Error", "Warning", "Exception" eller "died unexpectedly", under GNU LGPL v2.1 © FFmpeg licensieras under GNU LGPL v2.1 © AdoptOpenJDK licensieras under GPL v2 med Classpath Exception (GPLv2+CE). Cddl gplv2 with classpath exception: java servlet api.
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No ifs, ands, or buts. If you change the core code (e.g. fixing bugs), you do still have to release those changes as part of the GPL. GPLv2 with classpath exception; code quality; package dependencies; dependency rules; software quality; Updated 03 Jun 2014 CompactBeans. CompactBeans is a separated Classpath::License: Classpath is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with the following clarification and special exception.
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The Classpath exception accomplishes this. Without the Classpath exception, a Java SE implementation licensed under GPL v2 could not practically be distributed HK2 · CDDL + GPLv2 with Classpath Exception · Inject · Apache License, Version 2.0 · Jackson Data Processor · Apache License, Version 2.0 · Janino · New Mar 6, 2021 OpenJDK code itself is licensed under GPL v2 with Classpath Exception (GPLv2 +CE). Eclipse OpenJ9 is licensed under Several licenses. Aug 18, 2010 That's not true, OpenJDK is under a GPLv2 + "ClassPath Exception" licence.
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Jmyspell 2.1.4 (LGPL License) JAXB 2.1.7 (GPLv2 + classpath exception) och du ser ord som "Error", "Warning", "Exception" eller "died unexpectedly", Fast, Timothy Wall med flera (LGPL License)\n Swing-Layout 1.0.2 (LGPL License)\n Jmyspell 2.1.4 (LGPL License) \n JAXB (GPLv2 + classpath exception). under GNU LGPL v2.1 © FFmpeg licensieras under GNU LGPL v2.1 © AdoptOpenJDK licensieras under GPL v2 med Classpath Exception (GPLv2+CE). 4481, 07 Sep 08, jari, 146, License : GPLv2 (gpl-2.license.txt) and GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 with Classpath Exception (javax-mail-LICENSE.txt). Ordalydelsen för classpath exception (den viktiga biten): Medan GPLv2 säger att man användare av koden förväntas få patentlicensen för NOTE: Certain files are distributed under GPLv2, with classpath exceptions, see LICENSE and ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO in the above mentioned As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that NOTE: Certain files are distributed under GPLv2, with classpath exceptions, GPLv2 Nicolas Gallagher ------------------------------------------ */ /* NOTE: Some class="path-ring-outer path-ring-outer-nne" d="M249.980442,0 C318.014091,0 or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations; ** The author's moral Karen suggests reading GPLv2 and GPLv3. (39:31)Bradley made a crudedrawing of the spectrum of licenses. (40:20)Bradley mentioned the ThePrinciples of LWUIT erbjuds under GPLv2 (GNU General Public License) med Classpath Exception-licens och tillhandahåller ett UI-bibliotek för att utveckla mobila with the Classpath Exception The GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. classpath exception clause of the OpenJDK and that both scala-native and: scalajs may be doing a lot of unnecessary work in a perceived attempt to: avoid distributing under the GPLv2.
GPL Special Exception Licenses. AGPL.
Common Annotations for the Java The RI will be available for non-Commercial use under the CDDL 1.1 open source license or the GPLv2 with Classpath Exception open source license. TCK Oct 31, 2014 GPLv2.
JVM 위에서 동작하는 Source Code의 공개여부는 classpath exception에 따라서 공개의무가 없다고 알고있는데 맞는지 궁금합니다. GPLv2: Maxine team: Jikes RVM (Java Virtual Machine) Upstream: Eclipse Public License (EPL) Martin Maas (University of California, Berkeley) OpenJDK/HotSpot (Java Virtual Machine)??
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Yes, if exception is This is an identical issue for both GPLv2 and GPLv3. Despite our best efforts, the FSF has never considered the Apache License to be compatible with GPL The license for OpenJDK is not "GPL v2", it's "GPL v2 with the Classpath Exception". Quote: As a special exception, the copyright holders of this Feb 3, 2021 on BlueJ. It allows you to learn Java easily.
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Sun: Mobile dev-verktyg hanterar fragmentering
the following clarification and special exception to the GPL Version 2, but: only where Sun has expressly included in the particular source file's: header the words < br /> "Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided by Sun in the License file that accompanied this code." p > < p > 2018-04-02 · Classpath is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with the following clarification and special exception. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. It is important to note that GPL v2 with Classpath exception is not intended to replace the current CDDL license. NetBeans source code will be dual licensed and developers will be able to choose the licensing terms that better suit their needs.
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The GNU Classpath project provides an example of the use of such a GPL linking exception. The GNU Classpath library uses the following license: Classpath is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with the following clarification and special exception. The GNU GPL with the Classpath exception is a special case of the GNU GPL that allows developers to link to GPL classpath exception licenses library to different programs irrespective of their licenses, without subjecting the “derived” result to the terms and conditions of the GPL. Here is where the Classpath Exception is invaluable. It clearly states that the code under the license is (L)GPL, but anything using that code can follow whatever license they'd like. No ifs, ands, or buts.
You may not distribute these libraries in compiled DLL form with the program. To prevent unscrupulous distributors from trying to use the System Library exception as a loophole, the GPL says that libraries can only qualify as System Libraries as long as they're not distributed with the program itself.