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Belarus GDP Per Capita - Historical Data; Year GDP Per Capita (US $) Annual Growth Rate (%) 2019: $6,663: 5.26%: 2018: $6,330: 9.86%: 2017: $5,762: 14.72%: 2016: $5,023-15.57%: 2015: $5,949-28.48%: 2014: $8,319: 4.26%: 2013: $7,979: 14.97%: 2012: $6,940: 6.46%: 2011: $6,519: 8.12%: 2010: $6,029: 12.67%: 2009: $5,351-16.09%: 2008: $6,377: 34.67%: 2007: $4,736: 23.09%: 2006: $3,847: 23.09%: … The chart shows this. In the long time before sustained economic growth incomes never exceeded $3.50 per day [3.50*365=1277.5] in prices of 1990. 5 For the UK this changes in the 17th century, the fluctuation of incomes that we see in the four preceding centuries give way to a steady increase of average incomes. GDP per capita of Queensland increased from 32,231 $ in 2001 to 70,365 $ in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 4.27%. Queensland GDP per Capita, 1990-2020 - … GDP per capita in Romania averaged 7123.27 USD from 1990 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 12131.40 USD in 2019 and a record low of 4349.90 USD in 1992.
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Sweden. USA. Denmark. Early data from Rodriguez 1981, new from OECD Average growth in GDP per capita av T Norström · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — Per capita alcohol consumption was proxied by Systembolaget's alcohol by the almost 80% drop in the vodka price between 1990 and 1994 [13]. is a long‐term effect of increased gross domestic product that goes in the In 1976, the annual GDP per capita of the 38 socialist countries (in inflation adjusted dollars) averaged approximately $5 thousand. By 1990 it had grown to Figure 12: GDP per capita (market prices) and mail volume per capita, 1999 Portugal, Slovenia and Spain per capita emissions have increased since 1990. av R Edvinsson · Citerat av 3 — BNP eller BNP per capita är inte liktydigt med välstånd, då måtten exempelvis gång har BNP sjunkit tre år i följd, och detta ägde rum i början av 1990-talet.
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Taiwan is the richest Among 29 gainers. Top Losers in 2020: Out of 193 economies, gdp (nominal) per capita 164 economies have decreased in 2020 compared to 2019. With a decline of more than $40k, the GDP per capita of Macao SAR is down by 50% in 2020. 2021-03-25 · Graph and download economic data for Real gross domestic product per capita (A939RX0Q048SBEA) from Q1 1947 to Q4 2020 about per capita, real, GDP, and USA. Real California per-capita GDP is 17.76% higher today than 5 years prior in 2014.
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Droughts, floods, extreme temperatures (% of population, average 1990-2009) ? Electricity consumption per capita ? Electricity GDP per unit of energy use (PPP $ per kg of oil equivale Levels of GDP per capita for the Chinese Empire for Bench Mark Years from. Year 1 to 1990, Measured in International Dollars and Recalibrated into. Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan. Världskartan visar länder över och under Världens genomsnittliga BNP (PPP) per capita, utifrån 2012 beräkningar $10,700 Källa: IMF (International Monetary Euro-området GDP per capita PPP. Senaste utgåva.
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volume_up more_vert Swedish Land A hade 1990 en BNP per capita på ungefär 300$ jämfört med Female population between the ages 25 to 29 as a percentage of the total female The data reached an all-time high of 12.494 % in 2015 and a record low of 6.607 % in 1990. Forecast: Nominal GDP Per Capita (USD), 16,791.703 2025.
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In 1976, the annual GDP per capita of the 38 socialist countries (in inflation adjusted dollars) averaged approximately $5 thousand.
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This study deals with the level of construction costs in the Nordic Countries in a multi - family house of normal standard in capital of the country in 1990 . The fact that construction costs are closely related to GDP per capita depends in part Prisskillnader inom länderna beaktas inte Trots att BNP - PPP / capita är ett som EUROSTAT offentliggjorde i oktober 1990 ( Per capita GDP in the Community BNP (Bruttonationalprodukt) | GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Värdet på alla BNP per capita: Ett lands BNP delat på antalet invånare i landet. Detta ger oss en av Skåne har haft flest innovationer per capita, sett över hela perioden.
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GDP per capita for (almost) the entire world economy, going back to 1 AD, using PPPs for. 1990 to express all national series in a common currency (Maddison, Feb 6, 2018 This resulted in annual gridded datasets for GDP per capita (PPP), total GDP world at 5 arc-min resolution for the 25-year period of 1990–2015.
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What Real GDP 1990, $37,593, Recession. 1991, $36,7 If the growth rates were sustained, Japan's income would be higher than that of US before 1990. However, Japan's economy collapsed in the early 1990s, and its World Economics makes available of world's most comprehensive GDP database GDP per capita PPP (2011), 53,540, 53,979, 54,776, 55,934, 56,830. Mar 25, 2021 image of How Was Life? Volume II. How was GDP per capita in various years based on Maddison 1990 and ICP 2011 PPPs.
1999. 2003. Sweden.