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SAN TA C RUZ BI OTEC HNOL OG Y, INC . p53 (C-19)-R: sc-1311-R SantaCruzBiotechnology,Inc. 1.800.457.3801 831.457.3800 fax831.457.3801 Europe +0080045738000 49622145030 SX1272 Datasheet; Errata. SX1272 Errata; Reference Designs. SX1272 Modules: SX1272MB1DCS - 868 MHz - Combined RFI and RFO, Switchless (Ref Design Only) SX1272 Modules: SX1272MB2DAS - 868 or 915 MHz - Combined RFI and RFO Design; SX1272 Modules: SX1272RF1xAS - 868 or 915 MHz - Combined RFI and PA_BOOST Design; Software Releases (Firmware) SC12 datasheet, SC12 datasheets, SC12 pdf, SC12 circuit : TRSYS - SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS ,alldatasheet, datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic (1) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum located at the end of this datasheet, or refer to our web site at This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. SC120 is a 5.00 V, 1.20 A switch current limit sync Boost Converter from .

Sc1213 datasheet

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95 S ÷ 100 S MT 95 S-C 12 13,5 12 45 110 60/3. Features, Applications. Application. Item Collector to base voltage Collector to emitter voltage Emitter to base voltage Collector current Collector power  SC 1213 Transistor 2SC 1213 NPN, 35 V, 0.5 A, TO-92 EAN / GTIN; 9900000162382.

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30. Matches 15 - 5000 2SC1213A SC2D MRf SO EBfB El AH' 150 SCM JGT N SC1213. A full printed data sheet is available on each product, and is free on  30 SA4 Libre SA5 100A Elemento calefactor de la calefacción adicional 30 SA6 80A Alimentación de corriente para fusibles SC: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22,  SC 1167 2 SC 1170 B 2 SC 1172 2 SC 1173 2 SC 1175 2 SC 1177 2 SC 1187 2 SC 1195 2 SC 1209 2 SC 1210 2 SC 1211 2 SC 1212 2 SC 1213 2 SC 1214  2 SC 1213 2 SC 1214 2 SC 1215 2 SC 1216 P 2 SC 1222 2 SC 1226 2 SC 1239 2 SC 1243 2 SC 1251 2 SC 1260 2 SC 1278 2 SC 1279 2 SC 1280 2 SC 1295 qui ne peut pas dépasser 37volts. Simple alim, cas de datasheet : reichelt : 2SC1213 / 0.12 euro / SC1213 E44 : epuisé elec dif : 2SC1213 22 SK 240, 2 SA 872 , 2 SC 1213 A et 2 SK 30 AGR. J'ai consulté le data sheet, trouvé la formule, mais je me la sents pas !!!

Sc1213 datasheet

TILLBEHÖR. - PDF Gratis nedladdning -

Sc1213 datasheet

p53 (C-19)-R: sc-1311-R SantaCruzBiotechnology,Inc. 1.800.457.3801 831.457.3800 fax831.457.3801 Europe +0080045738000 49622145030 SX1272 Datasheet; Errata. SX1272 Errata; Reference Designs. SX1272 Modules: SX1272MB1DCS - 868 MHz - Combined RFI and RFO, Switchless (Ref Design Only) SX1272 Modules: SX1272MB2DAS - 868 or 915 MHz - Combined RFI and RFO Design; SX1272 Modules: SX1272RF1xAS - 868 or 915 MHz - Combined RFI and PA_BOOST Design; Software Releases (Firmware) SC12 datasheet, SC12 datasheets, SC12 pdf, SC12 circuit : TRSYS - SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS ,alldatasheet, datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic (1) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum located at the end of this datasheet, or refer to our web site at This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. SC120 is a 5.00 V, 1.20 A switch current limit sync Boost Converter from .

Sc1213 datasheet

2SC1213 Datasheet, 2SC1213 PDF, 2SC1213 Data sheet, 2SC1213 manual, 2SC1213 pdf, 2SC1213, datenblatt, Electronics 2SC1213, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, Datasheets 2SC1213, 2SC1213A Silicon NPN Epitaxial ADE-208-1048 (Z) 1st. Edition Mar. 2001 Application • Low frequency amplifier • Complementary pair with 2SA673 and 2SA673A C1213 Datasheet, C1213 PDF, C1213 Data sheet, C1213 manual, C1213 pdf, C1213, datenblatt, Electronics C1213, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, Datasheets, data sheet Ultra-Low Power Integrated UHF Receiver, SX1213 datasheet, SX1213 circuit, SX1213 data sheet : SEMTECH, alldatasheet, datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. 2SC1213 DATASHEET PDF - 2SC Transistor Datasheet pdf, 2SC Equivalent. Parameters and Characteristics. 2SC datasheet, 2SC circuit, 2SC data sheet: HITACHI - Silicon NPN C1213 Datasheet - Vcbo = 35V, Silicon NPN Epitaxial - Hitachi, 2SC1213 datasheet, C1213 pdf, C1213 pinout, equivalent, data, circuit, C1213 schematic. 2SC1213, 2SC1213ASilicon NPN EpitaxialApplication• Low frequency amplifier• Complementary pair with 2SA673 and 2SA673AOutline1.
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Sc1213 datasheet

Abstract: No abstract text available Text: 2SK2761-01MR N-channel MOS-FET FAP-IIS Series 600V > Features - 1â ¦ 10A 50W > Outline Drawing High Speed Switching Low On-Resistance No Secondary Breakdown Low Driving Power High Voltage VGS = ± 30V Guarantee Repetitive Avalanche Rated > Applications - Switching , ns ns … Simple alim, cas de datasheet : Prevoir deux petits dissipateurs pour les regulateurs, les 10uf doivent etre des tantales.

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TILLBEHÖR. - PDF Gratis nedladdning -

Ultra Low Power (3mA RX) RF Transceiver 310-510 MHz. The SX1212 is a low cost single-chip transceiver operating in the frequency ranges from 300 MHz to 510 MHz. The SX1212 is optimized for very low power consumption (3mA in receiver mode). This datasheet has been download from: Datasheets for electronics components. The SX1211 is a low cost single-chip transceiver operating in the frequency ranges from 863-870, 902-928 MHz and 950-960 MHz. The SC121 is a high efficiency, low noise, synchronous step-up DC-DC converter that provides boosted voltage levels in low-voltage handheld applications. 16 V INPUT, 75 mA VOLTAGE REGULATOR Rev.7.0_01 S-812C Series 7 1.

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Emitter 2.

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About Connecting the dots between internal knowledge and real-time market information. Findchips Pro brings fragmented sources of data together into a single platform and delivers accurate and contextual answers to your most strategic questions. Transistor 2SC 1213 NPN 35V 0,5A TO-92 [] Möchen Sie reichelt zum Startbildschirm hinzufügen um noch schneller auf unsere Produkte zugreifen zu können? Abstract: VIPER31 VIPER31 Application Note SC1203 SC12060 SC1215 SC12160 VIPer31SP SC1213 sc12120 Text: Is C1 GND D2 Ip Tsw VCREF Ip R1 RS T VCC DSENSE t DRAIN Is , current can be expressed as: IOUT = IS tONSEC X 2 TSW (1) Where : IS is the peak secondary current.